Web-Based Player Vendor Tracking and Item Finding -
Exanimus - 03-02-2012
For the custom map alike, i found
http://www.maptiler.org/. This tool can fragment a image in 256x256 pieces and generate a basic map viewer associate.
I make a test using the maximum resolution felucca map generate by UOAM and feed the tool, generating a openlayer (
http://www.openlayers.org/ the same api use in the preview uo map that i post before) project with zoom 0-5 (a zoom of 6 or 7 suit better, i use 5 only for keep the file under 5 MB).
I affine the result a little (most important changes):
- Change the coords system (reversing latitude and shifting longitude) for using the same that UOAM.
- Allow define a marker using url (example: openlayers.html?lat=1000&lon=2000&zoom=4). The map automatically center the marker. Like the other map...
- Using a external json file you can define towns and dungeons (is easy integrate other types of marker's icons and using the same idea the possibility of feed the map with runuo in a easy way). The openlayer api allow other types of definitions, like regions or lines, i only try the eassy things

Note: The external file is read using xmlhttprequest. In local execution it fail using chrome and ie. In IIS (and i assume any other http server) work in ie, ff and chrome.
Web-Based Player Vendor Tracking and Item Finding -
Nasir - 03-02-2012
I can't see that on my phone, but I'm inclined to be pretty excited haha. That sounds awesome
Web-Based Player Vendor Tracking and Item Finding -
Rob - 03-02-2012
Exanimus Wrote:For the custom map alike, i found http://www.maptiler.org/. This tool can fragment a image in 256x256 pieces and generate a basic map viewer associate.
I make a test using the maximum resolution felucca map generate by UOAM and feed the tool, generating a openlayer (http://www.openlayers.org/ the same api use in the preview uo map that i post before) project with zoom 0-5 (a zoom of 6 or 7 suit better, i use 5 only for keep the file under 5 MB).
I affine the result a little (most important changes):
- Change the coords system (reversing latitude and shifting longitude) for using the same that UOAM.
- Allow define a marker using url (example: openlayers.html?lat=1000&lon=2000&zoom=4). The map automatically center the marker. Like the other map...
- Using a external json file you can define towns and dungeons (is easy integrate other types of marker's icons and using the same idea the possibility of feed the map with runuo in a easy way). The openlayer api allow other types of definitions, like regions or lines, i only try the eassy things
Note: The external file is read using xmlhttprequest. In local execution it fail using chrome and ie. In IIS (and i assume any other http server) work in ie, ff and chrome.
Very interesting. Thanks.
Web-Based Player Vendor Tracking and Item Finding -
Rob - 03-02-2012
Playing around a bit.
Web-Based Player Vendor Tracking and Item Finding -
Eru - 03-02-2012
Sexy. :3
Web-Based Player Vendor Tracking and Item Finding -
Ramza - 03-03-2012
So it automatically points you to the cheapest one? Very cool. Not crazy about it saying who the owner is but that's advertised on te forums lots of times anyway.
Web-Based Player Vendor Tracking and Item Finding -
Rob - 03-03-2012
Ramza Wrote:So it automatically points you to the cheapest one? Very cool. Not crazy about it saying who the owner is but that's advertised on te forums lots of times anyway.
Doesn't automatically point you but you can easily find the cheapest. I can see both sides of the argument for showing or hiding owner names.