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OK Im done - maka - 01-20-2010

I kind of stopped reading when it turned to pure hostility so bare with me if I've said something that has been said.

Not sure if you still believe Taran is Phanatic or not, but if something very drastic has not changed, I doubt Taran would be hanging in game with Smoke. It's not like they hate each other but they have had a lot of differences/temp bans/bans.

On the speedhack issue. When I was still on the server the movement was tracked server side. That means that when you tried to speed hack it gave you the "rubber band effect". That means that you ran really fast for like 3-4 squares and then you were still until you were allowed to move again (same speed as normal player). In addition to that we also had a system given staff members in game warnings (and sometimes wrongfully) if someone moved a bit to fast. I can't speak of what happened but I have never ever experienced a successful speedhack on one of the shards I've been working for.

Just figured I'd say my opinion as I kind of don't have that much invested:p I do however think that quitting now, when you've been with INX for so long, is a mistake. Shard is just about to relaunch and chances are that you'll be a lot more happy having some of your old friends killing smoke and luda with:p

Ztoke/Hates PvP school might be something to revive. I really thought that was a good initiative and I think that it lessened the frustration a lot of people had with the new PvP.

OK Im done - imported_Muto - 01-20-2010

Boromir Wrote:Just don't trust a player which is RED. They are in most cases not to trust.

Thats not true, we are cool and trustable ! Smile

OK Im done - imported_Kamos - 01-20-2010

I still have a lot to learn but I can teach you what I know. Leave me some contact info or message me ingame, if you are interested. Also, as was said before, Hate's PvP school is also a good place to learn.

OK Im done - imported_Muto - 01-20-2010

Well if you have any question you can ask me too Wink

OK Im done - imported_mpfplush - 01-20-2010

Edit : Nevermind, too cruel for school. /facepalm.
[/COLOR] Sad

OK Im done - imported_Silverwolf - 01-20-2010

Boromir Wrote:Just don't trust a player which is RED. They are in most cases not to trust.
And there are some Blue *****es aswell, you just have to know who are the focking idiots :doubt:

See i'm one of these people... I will pk you, and i am a "focker" like boromir said haha... buttt... I'm not the one to Res kill someone, or kill someone whos new and is running around exploring the place, I dont get excitement from that...

But Balthor, like you just finished saying, if you have extreme on by brit bridge I will kill you, because indeed I want your armor... which is the point of the game... right???

And again Balthor, This server IN-x in it's beta stage, has been up for over 1 year and your telling me after ALLLL this time, the XUO people had time to master it and not the IN people? that's a little BS, and you know it's true. It's either you didnt want to learn it and avoided it, or you still havent understood the concept of this pvp...

This pvp has 3 main factors.

it's alllll about TIMING. this pvp = TIMING Key ingredient. like Garlic for Greater Heal (i Think Gheal uses Garlic lol, its been a while) but you get my point, I hope...

DECISION MAKING How fast you react in a given situation, how fast you use your reflect,heal,counter before his spell hits, run etc....

and Finally RUNNING yes, running... this applies for ganking anyway.... how fast you can turn the corner, go around a house or avoid an FS. Open doors and run in the house and quickly close it before the guy enters or just block his line of sight so the spell fizzles, how when your running, your spamming random shit but infact, you have that guys last target and as your running away your using NOS FS to fs him unexpectedly... and then all of a sudden, hes the one running... get my drift? or as your running, you set up wall of stone and time it perfectly so that you just barely get by and hes stuck behind it...

Anyway, there's a ton of tricks you get from experience and just being a pvper, but if you have your basic pvp and these three ingredients, your good...

OK Im done - imported_Fable - 01-20-2010

smoke Wrote:thats because you don't win tours so you can't charge for something you dont win!! :p

but im better than luda Cry

OK Im done - imported_Hate - 01-20-2010

Here's another two things that makes a big difference:
[*]Hotkeys with macros in them! Players who does not know how to set an hotkey-macro will have an huge disadvantage towards the people who knows how to set one. For example if some player does not know how to set an hotkey to auto-heal yourself when you hit it, you won't be able to run good and heal at the same time, and that will make a huge difference in if you're going to survive or die from gankers.

[*]Knowing which skills that is an have-to in order to be able to enjoy our PvP. For example if some player logs on without Eval int he will be making ~20 dmg with flamestrike instead of 46, which is a HUGE difference in pvp, and could ruin the fun for anybody. Same goes for a couple of other skills that you should look into before you start pvping. There's a couple of key-skills that you pretty much have to have in order to enjoy the PvP, try to figure out which ones that is and get them. Without healing, magery, anatomy, tactics, swordsmanship and a couple of other important skills you won't have much fun when practicing our pvp-style, at least not as a new player or somebody whose not used to our PvP-style.

So try to think about that before you go out and enjoy our PvP! :] It could be the difference between a win and a loss.


OK Im done - imported_Epistemology - 01-20-2010

I am new to this style of PvP, I used to play on Flint Hills YEARS ago and just reading about bullies sitting at brit bridge ganking people makes me happy. I can't wait to master this PvP system and form a guild dedicated to ganking bridge trolls!

OK Im done - imported_Boromir - 01-20-2010

Epistemology Wrote:I am new to this style of PvP, I used to play on Flint Hills YEARS ago and just reading about bullies sitting at brit bridge ganking people makes me happy. I can't wait to master this PvP system and form a guild dedicated to ganking bridge trolls!

Really nice to hear something like this.
I am with you in Hunting the REDS...
Been doing this since i started playing 6 or 7 years ago on Ultima Online (XUO). Had played on a PvM shard before for like a year, left on there when someone did stole my account.

OK Im done - imported_Epistemology - 01-20-2010

We should meet up ingame sometime and practice together. Maybe we can clear out some dungeons and stuff.

OK Im done - imported_Silverwolf - 01-21-2010

Epistemology Wrote:I am new to this style of PvP, I used to play on Flint Hills YEARS ago and just reading about bullies sitting at brit bridge ganking people makes me happy. I can't wait to master this PvP system and form a guild dedicated to ganking bridge trolls!

nice, fresh pvpers is always good. and yes, i will see you on the flip side xD