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The Pleasurable Feeling of Paranoia - imported_Jiraiya - 03-11-2009

Ryuuku Wrote:Also had like 5 people here that already said like that system including you, so on my mind I can imagine all those people gonna let on, also alot of xuo good pvpers too.

Heh, lots of people would try it out sure. Then after the very first time they are killed, they'll go "F that" and turn it off. And no it wont go back on for 99% of people. Dont believe me? Put a system xuo style that you can turn off/on for a month, and at the end of the month, check how many people actually have kept it on. I'll save you the time, there will be 1-3 people who've turned it on for good, 5 or so alts who people are using to check where the people who have it on are. And the rest of the pop will have it off permanently.

So basically, it solves nothing at all because everyone will opt out of the feature.

The Pleasurable Feeling of Paranoia - imported_Ryuuku - 03-12-2009

With 20 playerbase if it dont work and at end of the month just have 3/5 players with it turned on, its 1/4 of the shard.

But its better than implent it to be always on (even with the excptions that still useless for me) and at end of the month have 5 players playing at shard, cause others leaved because of the system.

If 15 chosse to turn it off its cause 15 dont liked the system. Its How I see.

edit: Also all I see is: It gonna help to find people cause the UO World is big. Hell, UO world is big , but it have hot spots, if someone is running at wild its cause hes searching for something, but most of times people are always in same places ( I hunt in one place, YOU Jiraya hunt at one place too, same as mine) Xtremes, Killing Dragons, or monsters who drop good amount of gold ( and isnt alot) or at taming places, and for me UO world resume on those hot spots.

We have like 10 dungs, but I can say that just one worth too hunt in.

The only problem here is lacky of players.

The Pleasurable Feeling of Paranoia - imported_Jiraiya - 03-12-2009

Ryuuku Wrote:But its better than implent it to be always on (even with the excptions that still useless for me) and at end of the month have 5 players playing at shard, cause others leaved because of the system.

If 15 chosse to turn it off its cause 15 dont liked the system. Its How I see.

Do you even have any idea what you are against? Or why? AND IN WHAT FORM ARE YOU AGAINST IT? You cant hope to have a rational reason behind your opinion because you "hated" it before you ever discussed any of the huge variety of systems discussed in the thread or heard anyone elses opinions on any of them. Its a waste of my time talkin to you on this sam, you're completely incapable of a logical debate about it, most likely because english isnt your native language, and I dont speak peurtugese. We're hitting some kind of language barrier I think cuz I know your not this dense :/

Ryuuku Wrote:edit: Also all I see is: It gonna help to find people cause the UO World is big. Hell, UO world is big , but it have hot spots, if someone is running at wild its cause hes searching for something, but most of times people are always in same places ( I hunt in one place, YOU Jiraya hunt at one place too, same as mine) Xtremes, Killing Dragons, or monsters who drop good amount of gold ( and isnt alot) or at taming places, and for me UO world resume on those hot spots.
The only problem here is lacky of players.

Other shards with the same amount of players can seem 10x more active then INX. So lack of players is not the only problem. Player interaction and activity is what makes a shard fun. This is fact. Right now INX has the smallest amount of player interaction of any shard I've ever played. So its no wonder that the 200 people from INR and 50 xuo'ers are all gone.

Ryuuku Wrote:We have like 10 dungs, but I can say that just one worth too hunt in.
This is completely untrue. I hunt in... at least 6 of those dungeons. There is one main spot I like over all others, and I frequent that spot, but there are monsters in a lot of dungeons worth killing.

edit: As the places you listed as hotspots, lets go over them shall we?

1. Taming spots: Theres never mounts at them for longer then 2 minutes, and pvpers dont know most of the spawns cuz they dont want to spend months roaming the map for a blue moon chance at finding a spawn just so they can wait there to kill tamers. In totall theres like 12 spawns a pvper would have to check every few minutes to maybe catch someone there, its not realistic at all to claim these are hotspots with the system in which mounts spawn here. See any of my long threads *****ing about the spawn system for further details on that.

2. Extreme dragons: 4 Spawns with 2 hour respawn timers, much better chance of catching someone at one of these, but its still a once in a blue moon occurance. So now we're at 16 places a pvp'er must recall to.

3. Destard guard, Ogre champ/Ore Ogres, unguarded towns(lol as if): Heres a few more spots a pvper could possibly check, lets say brings the totall amount of "hotspots" to 20.

So a PvPer looking for any kind of action is forced to check 20 spots repeatedly all day long for just a tiny chance at finding someone to fight? But thats ok because your not a pvper! So just because there is no gameplay for them it doesnt matter to you. Even though half the people who were merged into this shard were pvpers from xuo.

Oh and before someone comes along again and acuses me of not taking into consideration non-pvp'ers(cough shade cough). I think that from the history of the shard its pretty easy to see that pvp'ers are the ones who have been mainly left out to dry. The reward system for tickets is crap. They have no way to pursue the facet of gameplay they find fun, and as a result have gone elsewhere. And INX has been more boring every day since then. I wouldnt consider myself a pvp'er or a crafter, or a hunter or a rper, I do all these things. I'm neither good at ganking or dueling really, and if this is put in I'll prolly get killed a fair few times as a result. But thats the beauty of a rp/pvp shard. If I get killed I learn something from it, maybe the next time I'm ready for it and can turn it around on the person coming after me. Right now though I go out anywhere in the world with no fear at all of death, this is NOT a pvp shard. If something isnt done about the lack of interaction between players I dont see how the shard can attempt to build playerbase again.

Edit again: One final point, there is no one on the shard who isnt like 1 hour old char that cannot cast recall. I've seen people who dont pvp at all run away VERY easily from a 3-4 person gank. I mean why is it gangbang is able to get away from 10 people all chasing him and spamming flamestrike at him in a CTF? Its because its SO MUCH EASIER to run away then it is to make a kill. You can break LOS in a ton of ways, you can reflect, you can heal with spells, you can heal with bandaids, you can heal with a pot instantly.

So you say you'll quit if someone is able to find you for once? Grow a pair man. Stop tucking it back into a mangina, I know your brazillian but c'mon! ;D

The Pleasurable Feeling of Paranoia - imported_Ryuuku - 03-12-2009

Jiraiya Wrote:So a PvPer looking for any kind of action is forced to check 20 spots repeatedly all day long for just a tiny chance at finding someone to fight? But thats ok because your not a pvper! So just because there is no gameplay for them it doesnt matter to you. Even though half the people who were merged into this shard were pvpers from xuo.

A tamer have to check spawns every hour to get a chance to find anything to tame. Crafter have to pass days/months gathering resource to get gm in what he need to do great stuff and also hunt the special itens for it. Why Pvpers have to find someone in the time he want?

Jiraiya Wrote:I've seen people who dont pvp at all run away VERY easily from a 3-4 person gank.

Yeah .... Try to do it without mana and without cant use potion. Most time I'm hunting I stay with 10 mana and in potion delay All time. You need to be a luck bastard to get a good heal from bands, most time its beetwen 5-15. Some places arent so easy to break LOS.

Jiraiya Wrote:So you say you'll quit if someone is able to find you for once?

Was good if it was just for once! But they gonna come all time Im doing anything out of city.

The Pleasurable Feeling of Paranoia - imported_Jiraiya - 03-12-2009

Ryuuku Wrote:A tamer have to check spawns every hour to get a chance to find anything to tame. Crafter have to pass days/months gathering resource to get gm in what he need to do great stuff and also hunt the special itens for it. Why Pvpers have to find someone in the time he want?

Its not just in the "time he want", its "at all". Because there is absolutely no way to find you. Look if I go out taming, I may recall around a few times, but eventually I'll find a mount, and I'll tame it, its garunteed.
For PvP its different because just finding you isnt enough, they now have to actually kill you, which is much more difficult. I mean really, I cant seem to ever remember a mustang that recalled or cast flamestrike at me.

Ryuuku Wrote:Yeah .... Try to do it without mana and without cant use potion. Most time I'm hunting I stay with 10 mana and in potion delay All time. Some places arent so easy to break LOS.

Wait so your argument is actually that because you personally have bad hunting habits, no one should be able to find you and kill you for having those dumb habits? Dont be a moron.
And as for some places not being easy to break LOS. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR SURROUNDINGS THEN AND BE READY IN BIG OPEN AREAS IN CASE OF AN ATTACK. Heaven forbid anyone should have to be non comatose while AI bashing.

Ryuuku Wrote:Was good if it was just for once! But they gonna come all time Im doing anything out of city.

This is exactly what we're talking about here. How to put in tracking without that happening. What do you think all the talk about costs to track and costs to prevent tracking was about? And areas where you would be untrackable, etc.

On a personal note, cuz yer my friend, I'm calling you d1ckless fred from now on. OH NO JIRAIYA DEY BE COMIN 4 ME *quivers*

edit: better yet, YOU SIR, have a new guild title Big Grin

The Pleasurable Feeling of Paranoia - imported_Odium - 03-12-2009

[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]before any1 go into a "NERD-FRENZY" :lol:
Keep it civilized no need to have a personal debate regarding this.
The hunting habbits could easily be solved by banking more often or w/e but that is not the point of this topic. (i could be wrong but its not what i want to talk about Wink)

If it would be done like this, as long as yor hidden with stealth/hiding or invisibility spell your location would show as "hidden" (this was previously suggested aswell)
Or if your in combat versus a monster your status would be "hidden" (slightly harder to do but things like this are doable)

Would that make it better?

Also all of you, this is not a question about what would benefit ME the most, its about what is acceptable and would benefit the population / in-x the most. Would such a feature be cool or not etc.

reminder, this topic would only work as a idea/suggestion topic for the admins if they want a feature like this or not. It could also be possible that the admins want a trackign system then a topic with information like this is priceless, as it could give them lots of answers and a estimated time efforted needed to implement it in a good way. Or if its nothing in-x is intrested in because the time effort to implement it could be better spent elswhere or because it simply would ruin the ability to play UO as a "non-PVPer".

There are lots of examples with sucessfull shards that do NOT have a feature like this and alot of examples of shards that have it.

I will go a bit personal and say, with a small playerase a feature like this could destroy alot. with a big playerbase a feature like this would not mather.

reasons are pretty simple,
with only a few active players it will make those players feel haunted 24/7. And that is not good.
with alot of players people will stumble on eachothers anyway.

So a feature liek this tweaked or not should in my eyes not be implemented before we've got around 50-100+ players online.

The Pleasurable Feeling of Paranoia - imported_Oszkar - 03-12-2009

So I could write an app that monitors the status page and notifies me when anyone is in the same area as my player? That gives me a heads up on when to run (or go after someone)


Or...better yet... I could make it alert me whenever someone is checking spawns!

Or... automatically lets me know who is near me at all times.

There's no sense of paranoia with a feature like this if you have the ability to abuse it. In fact, it's the exact opposite. Without crippling the feature, one has the capability of knowing far too much with ease.

The Pleasurable Feeling of Paranoia - imported_Odium - 03-12-2009

[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Sure that could be done, if we would go for a website tracking. And not the ingame "map" function when using a craftable item feature that was discussed earlier. Or a feature like the antimacro gump (when item xx is used you get a link to a webpage that lasts/is updated for xx mins)

Thanks for your construtive post, i take it as your against it without reading the previously posted ideas? Smile

Lovely to see a new face in this thread Smile
Any ideas on how this could be implemented in a good way if it would be in the developers/admins head when the playerbase have grown (or before)? If not please explain what you are afraid of could happen and ideas how that could be solved/minimised.[/COLOR]

The Pleasurable Feeling of Paranoia - imported_Gang-Bang - 03-12-2009

The thing is, if playerbase grows to 50 ppl online at least, this is not necessary. Cause with 50ppl you can find ppl to kill with a lil effort. With less than 30, it's just impossible, so a feature like this could help a little. Well, maybe finding someone is possible but you'll need to spend a whole day to find 1-2 guys. Do you expect that PvPers will do it ? I'm sure they'll move somewhere else... Actually, they did already Tongue Or just stopped playing

The Pleasurable Feeling of Paranoia - imported_Jiraiya - 03-12-2009

It seems like most people are basing their opinions on tracking from how it was implimented on xuo. XUO had like 50 online with permanent tracking of all players, so no matter where you went you were attacked all the time. Which is great for a pure pvp shard, it made xuo seem like it had 100-200 people online with only 50 because of how easy it was for players to find and interact with each other.
But that would just destroy INX. It would turn it into more of an XUO2 rather then INX.

So the objective is to create a system that can facilitate some of that functionality while limiting the abuse factors inherant in such a system. It also has to be a system that will remain beneficial from 20 online to 200 online. Scalable and useful regardless of pop, it should not be something thats only useful short term. Thats a waste of time, in my opinion.

So far we have a few things listed as desires:

1. Fits into a RP theme/theme of the shard.

2. Has limitations on its use.

a. On/Off (If xuo style, with timer)
b. Cost per use / Beneficial to player economy
c. Regions where its disabled
d. Ways to counteract tracking / Opt out completely
e. Methods of making the tracking data more time consuming to interperate such as in game tmap generation which is more of a clue then an exact location.

3. Has built in anti-exploitation/harassment policy somehow

4. Tactical Use preferred over spam use

5. Effectively facilitates more player interaction.

I dunno thats all I can think of just now.