The new PvP -
Edward - 06-26-2011
If that doesn't work. Let's go to plan B. Take out all special weapons/vanqs/armor and lets duke this shit out with iron platemail and default irons you pull from the ground. You know, make regular weapons and burn any scrolls....I'll mess around and make my horse fight with my dog buddy backing us up.
The new PvP -
Carding - 06-26-2011
Edward, do you really want 1 vs 1 between good PvPers to be impossible to conclude? and do you think it is a good system for people to be able to live through a 2 vs 1 purely off of being able to heal a lot of HP very fast (with GH scrolls) rather than actually having to use some skill (breaking line of sight and using scenery, well-timed healing, magic reflecting or invis/GH potion etc.)?
I appreciate a lot of people feel more insecure in PvP now and I get the feel many don't like it, but consider the fact that it is better to play in a dynamic system where people have to be on their toes to survive and that everyone dies, even the best players, if they don't fight well or they get outmatched.
That is how IN1 used to be in its glory days, all the scary players you may or may not have heard of (including Taran back in the day!) used to die, loot circulated, everyone had fun and everyone had a chance at killing and fighting and getting some practice and the fact that people died prevented people from loading up on incredibly advantageous and expensive gear.
Once the system transitions to one where people do not die, where it is much easier to live than to die (again, like it did in the latter days of IN1 with heavy GH scrolling as some of you are asking for) the system stagnates and becomes very boring, the very best PvPers literally never die and use that advantage to carry stronger and more expensive gear which prices new/weak/poor PvPers completely out of the system and then the system becomes incredibly boring with less fights overall, less loot circulation and less participants. Trust me, I've seen it all happen on IN1 and so has Taran and any other avid PvPer who lived through the majority of IN1's life. I think some of you just need to accept that there is risk in PvP, you might die, you might be ganked, and you might not be as skillful and amazing as you thought you were when you had the GH scrolls, don't let ego or fear of change lock you into a broken system that will ultimately not provide you with a lot of fun.
And if there is a genuine problem with naked scroll gankers I am 100% sure it will be addressed, but at the end of the day many players vs 1 player is always going to end the same way unless the 1 player is very very skilled or at least smart enough to just bail.
The new PvP -
Shade - 06-26-2011
Meh, right now 120 int is too overpowered and people only fight with hally/bard. Before it was balanced more for team fighting, now its balanced for 1v1 with 120 int being the advantage.
Honestly I found everything except healing and reflect scrolls to be balanced before. The current changes seem to be made with only a few spells in mind and geared for only specific scenarios and stat builds.
Anyways, implying that people are afraid to die after they asked for the changes because it was too easy to live is a little weird. The people who are asking for more healing seem to be the players that didn't go full int and because of that they can't survive vs someone with 120 int that just crit'd them. At least thats what I have been seeing from watching fights recently and checking the players stats.
The new PvP -
Taran - 06-26-2011
Wait what, 120 int is too overpowered? How? You have to lower dex (which will make you swing slower) or str (which will make your HP go down).
In any case, I have tried balancing stats more on my test server. That will need more testing though.
And people only fought with hally/bard before the changes as well.
Plus, like I said in another thread, I can change so GH scrolls heal more HP, but at the cost of more mana.
The new PvP -
soMa - 06-26-2011
Taran say's
"I say there's absolutely no problem to heal from an FS attack if you have more than half your life left. You can't just use scrolls, scrolls are only meant as a lifesafer if you get so low that you won't have time to cast a regular greater heal."
Ummm as is you can't use scrolls at low life because the FS & 120 mana plus a Total mana pot = GH scroll can't keep up to the dmg of fs scrolls. <--- Who fs's you at half hp ? (no one ive seen)
2v1 someone said you should not be able to live in a 2v1 ? well as is Someone see's 2 people AND THEY RUN so no one will pvp they just run.
*Hypothetical Tournament* <--- Cant hide behind stuff
I understand the pvp now before half health heal otherwise run... the person who gets 2 hits wins because fs scroll over powers heal scroll.
The person who is always chasing wins 90% of the time because you wait for a mana pot to be used get them below half hp and fs to death.
The only way you can live after two good hally hit's is IF you never used your mana prior and you didn't use a potion.
So you get hit to 25-30 hp use GH pot use GH scroll now use GH spell :0 you might live. With out that pot you died.
So just pay attention if they used a pot and you get them past half just fs scroll dump with your total mana pot and your 120 mana and you should win cuz they can't run... <--- Tell me if im wrong ?
Anyways I felt left out thought id join the party

Much Love you all are doing an AWESOME job.
The new PvP -
Taran - 06-26-2011
I've seen plenty of players that FS at half hp, but that's not my point. What I mean is that you can survive it, but if you get hit down to 25-30 hp then you're not really supposed to live. How do you propose someone kills another player 1v1 if you can't even kill them when they only have 25-30 hp left?
If you get 2 critical hits in a row then you're lucky, but if the other person is any good he will already have healed most the damage from the first hit. I'm not sure what you mean when you say that a person will win if he gets 2 hits. Are you saying the other person isn't healing then?
You're right about the player chasing wins 90% of the time. But that just means the other player is better. There are several ways to disrupt his chase so you can start chasing him instead.
But I understand that players with high int will be able to dump better. Hopefully after we have tested my stat changes and implemented them (if testing went good) having 120 int will make more of a difference when it comes to how much melee damage you deal and how fast you swing.
The new PvP -
Paulie - 06-26-2011
Why was hp tweaked? I see no point of having 120 str now when you only get 110 hp. You take 10 less str to have 105 hp and there is no difference now i can change 10 full points towards mana giving me more of a advantage when i dump.....
The new PvP -
Carding - 06-26-2011
The stat changes are ongoing, as mentioned by Taran, I think some tests are planned, but that is not a problem that is being ignored.
The new PvP -
Perfect - 06-26-2011
Quote:I appreciate a lot of people feel more insecure in PvP now and I get the feel many don't like it, but consider the fact that it is better to play in a dynamic system where people have to be on their toes to survive and that everyone dies, even the best players, if they don't fight well or they get outmatched.
Exactly! People are dieing now that is exactly what should happen. Making GH scrolls heal a little more might not be catastrophic but it might allow players to live easier. The current system rewards people who time greater heal spells accurately enough to counter fses. I've noticed that from this new pvp a lot more ppl are dieing! Both in tourneys and outside. That's what we want!
And as far as the 2 v 1 goes you should die in a 2 v 1. That's another strategic aspect of this game. Don't position yourself in a place where you will get ganked. Get support. Recruit friends to help you! Whats very stupid is 4 guys chasing 1 guy and him not dieing, granted the 4 ppl are skilled fsers.
I agree completely with Carding's and Taran's analyses.
Plus, like I said in another thread, I can change so GH scrolls heal more HP, but at the cost of more mana.
That would be very interesting to see and sounds like it could work. It would allow players to counter major crits easier and penalize their mana for scrolling.
And one thing to keep in mind is that there may be some complaints about this pvp by certain people, but also note that there are plenty of people who are happy with it! (some just don't bother posting here)
The new PvP -
Perfect - 06-26-2011
also dont forget about invis pots...
u can antigank with that shit and anticrit
The new PvP -
Ziggy Stardust - 06-26-2011
If you want 110 health and 120 mana then u'll be having 60 dex and with 60 dex you should be swinging VERY slow compared to 90 or 100 or even 120, so it should make a huge difference in PvP. When it is balanced I would have to say that 120 mana and 60 dex would be a "ganking way" of having your stats, and more dex and less mana will be more of a 1vs1 way because then you will be hitting the player a lot and there by balancing out the loss in mana for way more hits. So yes, fix so low dex users swings slower but except for that I think that the PvP is starting to be a lot more balanced. I would also like to see greater heal scrolls heal more but at the cost of more mana, because that would help against "very hard hits" but at the same time IF somebody does get a hard hit on you AFTER draining your mana AND waited for you to have taken a potion, then you should have a VERY hard time to survive that attack, so that is not "imbalanced", that is balanced.
Ganking naked also gives you a big disadvantage because then people can use ENERGY BOLT SCROLLS on you instead of flamestrikes, and ALMOST do as much damage BUT with A LOT LESS mana cost. Sorry for the caps.
The new PvP -
BlackBeard - 06-26-2011
Does wearing a shield not change the energy bolt dmg ? chaos order or even neutral shields are noobied so when someone e-bolts you when your naked pop it on.

those shields are like 30 ar or something.
Id like to say nice testing today, if you could let us know what your thinking of tweaking ?
The GH scrolls were much much better
I hope the hally will change lol stupid thing.