Boredom -
imported_Smurtle - 12-11-2007
Boredom -
imported_Sidelichus - 12-11-2007
Look, when i was asked by my rl friends to leave my main shard on wich i was king and feared :{w
We had plans of much fun and playing, but soon we were all macroing and that actually never ended, we are still all macroing for 3 weeks now..
Atm one of us has quit, the rest of em getting more tired of macroing every day.
We didn't have this in mind really.
Lots of players experience the same problem.
Staff should really think about this.
Boredom -
imported_Smurtle - 12-11-2007
Boredom -
imported_Smurtle - 12-11-2007
But seriously. You're doing crafts dude. They're gonna take a long time, granted I'd promote them being a bit faster, but you're gonna need more support than just me. There's about ten kids waiting to copy and paste "Carebear" so quick..
Boredom -
imported_Sidelichus - 12-11-2007
who cares, it is a fact that there is a problem and that the problem is the boredom, then 1+1=2 and staff needs to deal with it.
Boredom -
imported_Aghast - 12-11-2007
No they don't. YOU need to deal with it.. its YOU who are bored.
Again NOTHING is holding you back from creating your own event.
Boredom -
imported_Kitiara - 12-11-2007
We have a problem here lol,
for PVPing u need a lot of money or almost scrolls/pots whats the problem:
Im now 90.0 alchemy and sometimes i fail mana pots, when u can start doing them at 75 i think. i have been macroing alchemy for so long and only 90.0.
for me its not a reward spending so much time for that probably for others yes but in my case, its not a reward.
I have spent this night 70ks in regs and blank scrolls and at the moment i have spent 4k scrolls and i reach from 55.3 to 63.8 i have a spent the whole night doing scrolls...
Im getting also bored of macroing and doing always the same but i have to consider some things as Dugeons at my opinion some of them are very funny the problem is that u cant go alone. deceit is impossible?. i dont know which would be the reward of deceit but how much regs you should carry on? 200 each player and u probably would have to go 4? i have seen
3 krakens and a phoenix i a room. and everytime you go there u have to start from the same point. i recommend to gms that in some places u should let us mark a rune so we can go to discharge the loot that we have get from monsters, because if i want to reach the end im sure i will have to empty my bags a lot of times cause there are 100k monsters? lol
Also there is a few mounts that gives poor look like to the server, i said to put more normal basic colours mounts, no one heard me when Rare colours should had the same prices.
Also i suggest Bods for enjoy almost the hard job of crafts but people dont want them, quite strange.
Also like i said is hard to get enough money for save up for trades and for spending the money on resources to pvp and macro etc..
there are a lot of things.. i know this is beta, and im giving staff time thats all i can do now, i have been here since the first day of the server and some things have been changed to better other to worst but staff should decide.
See u
Boredom -
imported_dvlsmnd - 12-11-2007
Horacio Wrote:[size="7"]This Is A Beta!!!!![/size]
how come they script for ages and open this unbalanced shard?
now chance for newcomers to play, low as hell skillgains, no fun except britain bridge and thats with ~170 online, also the playerbase is dropping week by week
Boredom - Galens - 12-11-2007
It's good that the player base drops each week, it deters the worthless and grants the dedicated a nice tight community that becomes stronger and stronger each week
Boredom -
imported_dvlsmnd - 12-11-2007
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imported_Hilbert - 12-11-2007
i agree Things are way to hard now... for example.... mining and bs.... I am macroing only bs and mining at this time and i already ghot 1000 silver ingots.... and my bs is from 50 to 61-5 when i've have 100 bs how much silver ingots would i have??? i geus that wil destroy the economie and armors would be not worth money :doubt:
Boredom -
imported_Lerri - 12-11-2007
dvlsmnd Wrote:how come they script for ages and open this unbalanced shard?
now chance for newcomers to play, low as hell skillgains, no fun except britain bridge and thats with ~170 online, also the playerbase is dropping week by week
i love how you imply that a sphere based server was ever or could ever be properly balanced.
people demand something that was in its very nature broken and then complain when a replica of a broken system is also well broke