AFK Resource Gathering Punishments -
imported_Mephisto - 12-03-2007
Hmm, I guess i have mixed feelings about this subject. I mean, I myself have a macro that strip mines. The only thing i have to do is when i get to a wall, change the direction of the macro. I usually Sit and watch TV, or surf the web while i do this. Once in a great while, I'll get up to go throw some more wood in the woodstove, take a piss, or grab something out the the fridge/refill my drink, and it so happens that i got the macro gump RIGHT when i left and when i get back i end up taking a run to the healer. I have had the GM's swing by every once in a while as well and they've been more then generous in standing there a few secounds to see if I was around.
So the question is... What is the deffinate discription of "AFK" Macroing?
Is it "Not staring at your character as he swings away for hours at a time for Ore/Fish/lumber?"
Is it "Not being able to hit the Anti-Macro Gump in time when it checks you?"
Is it " Not being able to answer Gms who check on you randomly when they feel you might be matching their deffinition of AFK macroing"
If your at your computer but surfing the web... is that AFK macroing?
If your going to the bathroom or getting somthing out the fridge... Is that AFK macroing?
If your looking at your TV and playing Halo 3 while sitting in your computer chair and listening to the sound of "Clink Clink Clink of your picaxe" is that AFK macroing?
I know GM's can play "Weirdness" Sounds through the game that players can hear.... Maby When A GM shows up they can play a wav. I mean... If you can hear it.. then obviously your not THAT far "Away From the Komputer" ... If not.. then maby you are....
EDIT: ok , i didnt see the few posts above mine.. but i just wont remove this because it took so long to type ^.^
AFK Resource Gathering Punishments -
imported_Gris - 12-03-2007
Woah woah woah! Hold up a sec?!?!?!
You will actually ban someone? Thats a bit harsh!
I use a script so yeah I'm not always looking at my UO character! And i think some of those punishments are a bit extreme! Odium has looked at wold and I on several occasions but we've responded after a minute max. But I'm not going to stare intently at my character for an hour or so while i mine! Its just boring. Usually im whoring it up on the forums or watching a dvd close to my computer.
Oh and some computers don't have sound! So thats not going to help me. Maybe some crazy explosions and colors would catch my attention! But if we get sent to jail and respond within the minute, would we be let out? It took like a few minutes to bash it up especially with my slow typing abilities and a GM could have easily come and jailed me in that time! AHHHH *checks UO* phew! I just think the banning thing is a bit harsh? Oh and is this like car laws where your offences get wiped after a certain time? Or like 1 year later you hit your 3rd offence and get banned? hehe YOU GOTS TO SPECIFY!!!! MAAAYYNNNEEEE!! But seriously I think its a bit overboard on the rules ay! First offence jail for 2-3 days!!! Gah! I just don't think you should revise some of the punishments and make it a lil more player friendly! We don't want to lose our nice playerbase would we?
AFK Resource Gathering Punishments -
imported_wold - 12-03-2007
instead of making harsher rules against the only thing thats makes people a little bit of gold for hours and hours of work... why not fix the economy by implementing some
such as:
-easing up the money flow by making it so people can actually make some money off of crafts
-making hunting cash flow a little bit more
which minor changes like that we will see more money circulatin... everything doesnt have to be hard to make the economy right. Just small changes will help. Think small.
AFK Resource Gathering Punishments -
imported_ScareCrow - 12-03-2007
OK SO, HERES THE BIG PROBLEM, as an INJECTION user, i cant see gumps or i crash...
Now.. i was lumberjacking 4 fun... crashed.. came back on... at the bottom of my screen it said i had 140 seconds to respond or i was dead so i paged a GM n he ressed me cuz i talked wiuth hium the 140 seconds lol... so. wtf are we gunna do about this...
AFK Resource Gathering Punishments -
imported_IceCube - 12-03-2007
I have been jailed TWICE for AFK macroing. I clicked the gump was all good just reading the forums and up pops Odium and jails me cause I didn't reply to his questions. I paged not even 20 seconds later and they let me out and warned me. Warned me about what.... you should be watching. If the skill wasn't so damn pointless and boring i might watch it... then again i might not
Hybrid is still going and they have a OSI economy. Players can craft everything, craftables are just as strong as items you find hunting.They have a purpose to the skill and a demand. Pvp is so massive on that server that crafters are alway selling stuff. They give newcomers a means to start with.
AFK Resource Gathering Punishments -
imported_Pande - 12-03-2007
1) Gris you should check the punishments again in my first post because they've already been revised and this is a serious offence.
If I run an afk macro script for 10 hours while i go out to party, and get say 100k in gold worth of ingots in that time, but ginz sits there for 10 hours mining and actually double clicking his pick axe or watching his macro, is it fair we get the same amount of stuff? No. Work = reward. 0 Work = 0 Reward.
2) I'm sick of these comparisons to hybrid, osi, and other uo servers. Maybe you haven't noticed but this is INX. We are making our own version of UO, based on spehere 51a, and not how other servers are ran. If you don't like our setup, well we aren't holding you captive...
3) Isn't the economy issue that the server is already flooded with gold? How will making crafts (more) profitable help? How will adding stuff that will only cause a gold shift help this issue? If the server is flooded you need to decrease the profit off of everything, and quite frankly some of it is already low enough. And this isn't an economy thread so go post in the right one next time!
AFK Resource Gathering Punishments -
imported_dvlsmnd - 12-03-2007
Pande Wrote:If I run an afk macro script for 10 hours while i go out to party, and get say 100k in gold worth of ingots in that time, but ginz sits there for 10 hours mining and actually double clicking his pick axe or watching his macro, is it fair we get the same amount of stuff?
yes it is he can run macro too, if he doesnt want thats his problem
Pande Wrote:2) I'm sick of these comparisons to hybrid, osi, and other uo servers. Maybe you haven't noticed but this is INX. We are making our own version of UO, based on spehere 51a, and not how other servers are ran. If you don't like our setup, well we aren't holding you captive...
ok so why do u ask ppl to help? they say things that working fine on those shards and will work fine here but u r sick. ok sorry :badgrin:
Pande Wrote:3) Isn't the economy issue that the server is already flooded with gold? How will making crafts (more) profitable help?
err flooded with gold? i dont think so
AFK Resource Gathering Punishments -
imported_Kitiara - 12-03-2007
But pande... what i cant understand is that why u put here a anti macro gump and in IN and Xuo there weren't any anti macro ìì . its quite ilogical.
Also it's not just that i have macroed at the start magery spending a lot on money on it when now its easier but i didnt say nothing about that, or i did i complain?
i know you should be tired of hearing people comparing other servers but man if there it works, why dont we can use their nice things?.
Also and first at all IN people and Xuo people were comparing this INX server with In and Xuo and these 3 servers are completely different so... what can i say?
have fun pande and dont give up
AFK Resource Gathering Punishments -
imported_Allantois - 12-03-2007
I think I have come up with a solution that everyone should agree on for the AFK macroing punishments.
If a gm wants to find out if someone is afk, they can talk to them, if they dont respond, the GM can manually put up the afk gump.
-If the player doesnt respond and dies... and doesnt have a auto res script, then leave it at that, the afk gump has done its job.
-If the player manually responds to the gump, then they should see the GM there and be able to respond to any questions.
-If the player has a script that auto checks the gump or auto resses, then the gm will know because the player is not responding to them, just to the gump. In this case, and in this case only should the punishment that Pande outlined in the first case be executed.
This way everyone should be happy because its no different then responding to an AFK gump, its just one that the GM has initiated and you better be there when you respond to it.
AFK Resource Gathering Punishments -
imported_Smurtle - 12-03-2007
A real solution is that AFK means AWAY FROM KEYBOARD.
I don't care if you're watching TV ten feet away and have a script running that warns you.
That's AFK macroing. Anyway you put it, it's not going to change that it is AFK macroing, therefore the punishment should be what was listed.
That's like me killing someone to prevent them from hurting someone else when they haven't even done anything. The fact of the matter is I took a life and therefore should be punished, in some way. Key words: some way.
Christ, way to overstate and misconstrue yourselves.
AFK Resource Gathering Punishments -
imported_Allantois - 12-03-2007
Smurtle you are wrong, if they wanted it to be that harsh then they would have made it so the afk gump jailed you instead of just killing you.
There are two types of afk. Normal AFK, which is what you are talking about and only deserves a .kill and "malicious" AFK where a script gets around the gump somehow and is what really deserves the punishment Pande is talking about.
AFK Resource Gathering Punishments -
imported_Smurtle - 12-03-2007
Allantois Wrote:Smurtle you are wrong, if they wanted it to be that harsh then they would have made it so the afk gump jailed you instead of just killing you.
There are two types of afk. Normal AFK, which is what you are talking about and only deserves a .kill and "malicious" AFK where a script gets around the gump somehow and is what really deserves the punishment Pande is talking about.
Do you have down syndrome and are unable to read???????
AFK and normal AFK? I didn't know there were two variations of being away from your keyboard, not present, not actively doing anything, going somewhere else, or perhaps just taking a shit.
Making a script to warn you is trying to bypass the rules. What the **** don't you see? They wouldn't need a warning if they knew there were no consequences for what they do.
So, I guess leaving my character on to macro while I go to the store is AFK, yet, doing the same but watching TV in the next room isn't?
Good God. I swear. By reading that and anyone else who comes across it will instantly make them dumber.