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NPC salesprice table - imported_Kitiara - 11-19-2007

Aghast Wrote:Kitiara:

Well the mining was just an example. Go in the newbie dungeon.. you can make money there as well .. go chop wood.. there's plenty of ways.

I cant really argue about tailoring since i haven't done it heh.

But you can always make money.

If u read my post i said:

i dont mind about what u do or not because almost with pvm now u can get more or less money

pvm = player versus monsters i suppose u know that Wink

so i know u can kill monsters to get money but we are talking about craft skills.

Also tailoring should be a way to get money just because its a craft skill
as blacksmith etc..

You should try to increase tailoring and see that the money u earn is a little crap but the staff are deciding now about the economy.

ty for ur answer

NPC salesprice table - imported_Smurtle - 11-19-2007

You get a tub for GMing tailoring, with resources that are FREE. *****, please. Smithing is always one of the big money makers, therefore, as you work your skill up the more money you should get for items. It's what an economy is, the better the item, the higher the price. The cheaper the quality, the cheaper the price.

Selling player to player is what we want in an economy, but I don't think anyone's going to be buying much when they're so dismayed by the craft prices. Profit should be earned, like Duke said, even if 1gp.

Tailoring I can see only earning profit after 90, since materials are free and you earn a tub in the end.

Of course you can gather resources, mining, logging, and earn a net profit because you didn't pay for it, but you shouldn't pay 2100 for some iron, craft it at a high level, and still sell it for less than you paid.

The items will need tweaking; make one item slightly more, an item like a gorget, go for higher prices but raise the fail rates.

Rare armors should be rare. Extreme armor, or something, invul..we shouldn't see those armors until 6 months from now. Those I think are the items people are going to pay for, because once I GM smithy, I'm not buying something I can make for free.

Rares need to be rare and expensive, that will help, too. What we should see is a lot of the intermediate armors and craftable weapons, the rarer things should be, of course, RARE. When people purchase these, it should be at hefty prices. This will push money around, people will buy houses, items, etc. The transfer of money. ;p

NPC salesprice table - imported_Cole - 11-20-2007

This is kind of a delicate issue. Obviously they don't want you to be able to make money through crafting skills while training it up. Thats not just a free GM skill (over time) - it's tempting because its lucrative!

It seems like the only compatible suggestion so far has been to make craft skills begin to generate more profit at higher skill levels. However, i think it still should not be such that you could buy large amounts of resources from players at market value and then macro all of that into items and sell them for much profit.

NPC salesprice table - imported_Kitiara - 11-20-2007

[quote=Smurtle]You get a tub for GMing tailoring, with resources that are FREE. *****, please. Smithing is always one of the big money makers, therefore, as you work your skill up the more money you should get for items. It's what an economy is, the better the item, the higher the price. The cheaper the quality, the cheaper the price.

Also blacksmith and carpentry resources are FREE.. just mine or just get logs
its the same as tailoring but of course blacksmith is true more important than tailoring thats for sure.

but remember other thing that with tailoring u wont be able to earn too much money otherwise with blacksmith there is a lot of people that they would like to have nice armor etc. thats why the reward of blacksmith its not so great, if u compare with tailoring.

And other important thing the reward is just a simple rare tub. i think my time is worth much more than a tub. i dont mind to have nice coloured clothes. if they give me that reward nice, if i increase that skill is also because its suppose to give a lil money not so much but always some extra income is nice.

And of course i like that the better item, the higher price but if u dont give money to the players who is going to pay u a lot of money for an armor? if u have more money u pay more if u have less money u will pay less for the same.

If i need 24 hours as example to get 60k and u ask me to pay for an armor 50k lol u are crazy if u think im going to pay that.

Just let the staff some time to decide the economy.

see u

NPC salesprice table - imported_dvlsmnd - 11-20-2007

Smurtle Wrote:You get a tub for GMing tailoring, with resources that are FREE.

rofl 4 fields are not enough for 200 players

NPC salesprice table - imported_Swanny - 11-21-2007

where are these fields? =p

Umm I started totally fresh with 500g plus a katana and some sad clothes. So far I have 2 houses, a boat, and around 300k in the bank plus a hell of a lot of crap stored up for later. I bought my first house from the training dungeon. Then the second from a nicely empty spot in a dungeon where I could use provocation to amazing effect. Then the rest is from mining, lumberjacking and escorting NPC's, which also gave me the insentive to map the planet with runes. The methods to generate income are very good. It's just a case of exploring all your options. And I agree that at later stages of skilling you should make a good profit. Maybe by making exceptional items or labelled items sell for double rather than +25% or whatever it is now. Would inflate the economy I know so would need to be experimented with.

But really the case is you just gotta find your little spot and work it to full effect. Also macroing skills is very expensive. I levelled swords, fencing, maces and tacs by farming leather. This will do me a favour later when I work on tailoring plus at the time gave me a bit of an income from selling ribs and any random monsters I happen to come across. Thats how I started making some serious money. And it snowballs fast hehe. The universal law of financial gravitation works in UO too =].

NPC salesprice table - imported_Horacio - 11-21-2007

dvlsmnd Wrote:rofl 4 fields are not enough for 200 players

You clearly havent looked hard enough =P

There are some random places where I have found cotton (not gonna tell), but I think they should be more widespread to encourage exploration. I found one place that produces about 30-40 bales of cotton/ hour. I just GM'd tailoring with a tub in the bank, along with a 60K home and an extra 70k on the side.

People should not consider skills like tailoring, BS, carp etc as "free" skills. Yes, if you get your own resources thats great, but you're wasting something more important than money doing so..."Time". Time is much more important than money and for the time you spend gathering resources and converting them into something sellable, you should be reinbursed for your efforts.

I keep hearing that they want PvM to be balanced with Trades, but they really are not.
Tailoring for example... *pulls out calculator*

It can take anywhere from 20 mins - 2 hours (usually around 1.5 hours during peak time)to gather 100 bales of cotton due to the demand of it.

it then takes 3 seconds/cotton to convert to thread, then .50 seconds/thread to convert the to cloth

100 (cotton) x 6 (1 cotton = 6 thread) / 5 (how much thread to make cloth)

100x6/5 = 120 bolts of cloth.....120x50 = 6000 cloth

now the time part.

3 seconds x 100 bales of cloth = 5 mins (not long)

.5 seconds x 600 = 5 mins (still not long)

time to spend crafting

in training bandanas.
The macro I had set, you make one bandana about every 5 seconds

6000 cloth\2cloth (bandana amount) = 3000
3000 x 5 seconds = 250 mins or 4.16 hours

Total time to make 6k = 90mins (collecting) + 10mins (converting) + 250 mins (crafting) = 350 mins (5.8 Hours)

in making surcoats(most cloth consumed that can be sold)
6000 cloth\14(surcoat amount = 428
428 x 5 = 35 mins

Total time to make 6k = 90mins + 10 mins + 35 mins = 135 mins (2.25Hours)
Drastic difference in training and in being GM. i know you can sell colored clothing to players for about 500 - 1000 a piece, and thats where the good money is, but your colour is only hot for a certain time, then people move on to the next "cool" custom colour. I havent focused on fighting skills, so maybe someone can tell me how long it take to make 6k hunting?

Yea im bored at work right now...

NPC salesprice table - imported_Smurtle - 11-21-2007

A lot less than 5 hours. rofl

I averaged, killing shit monsters, about 7k an hour.

NPC salesprice table - imported_Smurtle - 11-21-2007

dvlsmnd Wrote:rofl 4 fields are not enough for 200 players

It is if you kill them or just go to the other ones. Man, you people are stupid sometimes. It's been about 30 minutes and I already have 4k cloth.

NPC salesprice table - smoke - 11-22-2007

dvlsmnd Wrote:totally agree, tailoring is absurd with no profit

no profit you get a tub when you gm it and it only costs like 200k to gm


NPC salesprice table - imported_Smurtle - 11-22-2007

That simple. How about removing tubs as a reward item and raise the profits 1gp on everything????????????????????????????????????????????

I'm sure you guys don't want that, now.

Tubs should only be for 1v1 tournaments of no less than 30 people, in my opinion.

GMing a skill shouldn't require anything colored or newbied, though it's a nice thing for smithy and magery, but a Maybe newbied, dyed clothing.