Easy UO Script: Mining - Updated! -
Venos - 02-23-2012
Raziel i get a similar issue sometimes. The macro keeps trying to move the same ingot stack from my pack to the container. I get it too when hunting and dragging items from corpses so im quite sure its a razor issue. Maybe somehow coupled with timings on opening the corpse/bank/container. Its hard to describe when it happens as it seems random.
Easy UO Script: Mining - Updated! -
Atlas - 02-24-2012
Yea I've never had that problem with mine, and I use razor...could be something with you guys' razor settings (such as timing ques and such). It's hard to determine what you need to do unless I could see everything and play with it. If someone is willing to skype and show me your desktop, I'd be down to help you figure out whats up =p
Easy UO Script: Mining - Updated! -
Raziel_ - 02-24-2012
i think i know how to solve this... the problem is the bank is freezing, so what if i reopen the bank before trying to move each ingot?!
ill do so changes to the macro and if i solve it ill post it here!
I fixed it!
at this point:
Quote: finditem %ingotTypes C
if #FINDCNT > 0
Exevent Drag #findid #findstack
wait 10
Exevent Dropc %ingotContainer
wait 10
goto BankMore
i set the goto line to:
goto Openbank.
the macro is working fine now ;D
Easy UO Script: Mining - Updated! -
Atlas - 02-24-2012
Lol, that's so weird...not sure why it would do that, welp good job mate =]
Easy UO Script: Mining - Updated! -
Fulmanar - 03-18-2012
I'm having a slight issue with this script, for some reason instead of mining out an entire spot it'll move me after every mining attempt, myself and belgar are both using the script at the same time and the only differences are the bank/contid so we can't figure it out, i'm using a pickaxe and I have the euo vesion you linked, running it on admin as well.
Easy UO Script: Mining - Updated! -
Ayleth Payne - 03-22-2012
Fulmanar Wrote:I'm having a slight issue with this script, for some reason instead of mining out an entire spot it'll move me after every mining attempt, myself and belgar are both using the script at the same time and the only differences are the bank/contid so we can't figure it out, i'm using a pickaxe and I have the euo vesion you linked, running it on admin as well.
I'm having a similar issue, seems to be just running around and barely mining. I guessing it's due to lag, anyway to adjust something for those with lots of lag? or maybe add something, sort of like the other mining script has?
Easy UO Script: Mining - Updated! -
Merdento - 03-25-2012
Hi, i got a problem with this macro, sometimes it seems to work good (very few times) but most of the time my character is just walking around doing nothing, not even trying to mine, just walking around forever. Any suggestion?
Easy UO Script: Mining - Updated! -
Solthorn - 07-05-2012
Im having similar issues as the guys above. Lots of Pathfinding and moving around and less mining. Sometimes banks to early as well.