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Thief Alert!!!!! - Printable Version

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Thief Alert!!!!! - imported_Silverwolf - 07-16-2009

Token Wrote:Well if I have to gm mining again it wont bother me I was planning to stockpile ingots anyways but my main concern is my mining char GM reward work on my main char Token?

k GM mining for me, I'll give you the pickaxe Smile.

Thief Alert!!!!! - imported_phobia - 07-16-2009

LudaKrishna Wrote:lmao it's like saying reward me for reporting a bug LOL

i have been rewarded in the past for reporting bugs

Thief Alert!!!!! - Eighty Swords - 07-16-2009

Booo!! I've reported loads of small bugs but also a few major exploits and all I got was a thank you lol. Biggest bug I found was a way to make 600gp for every dagger I made but instead I reported it and got stuck with the usual 12gp :p

Anyways, your supposed to help the shard since it helps you in the end. You like playing here, or you like the way things are set up, so do your share and help keep it the way you like it. That's my opinion and why I report bugs. And because I know if I don't report it others will abuse it :p

Thief Alert!!!!! - imported_Lederoil - 07-16-2009

phobia Wrote:i have been rewarded in the past for reporting bugs

Being banned for exploiting bugs doesn't count as a reward and it surely doesn't count as reporting bugs either.

Thief Alert!!!!! - imported_phobia - 07-16-2009

the bug i reported was a place in ice mountain where you could telaport to green acres

Thief Alert!!!!! - imported_phobia - 07-16-2009

[quote=Lederoil]Being banned for exploiting bugs doesn't count as a reward and it surely doesn't count as reporting bugs either.[/QUOTE

i was not banned for exploiting bugs dipshit i was banned for abusing staff

Thief Alert!!!!! - imported_MadMan - 07-16-2009

Be cool and exploit all bugs you find

Thief Alert!!!!! - imported_Token - 07-16-2009

Ok I am working on gm mining again yippers. I only got one item as a reward for reporting a bug that made u crash so i think it was a serious bug. The bug was the item u made was static to ur backpack and u crashed for moving the item when it was in ur backpack. I didn't demand or ask for the item. It was given to me for finding that bug. I would like a staff member lock this thread i think it is going too far away from the title.

Thief Alert!!!!! - Eighty Swords - 07-16-2009

I'll buy the iron you get while re-GMing mining Smile

Thief Alert!!!!! - imported_Lederoil - 07-17-2009

phobia Wrote:the bug i reported was a place in ice mountain where you could telaport to green acres

I've always wanted to telaport to green acres.

Thief Alert!!!!! - imported_The Enlightened One - 07-18-2009

Was it necessary to rip Token for asking? It's not like he held the name of the player for ransom. Although, that might of been a more interesting thread because this one was lame.:eek: