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PvP suggestions - imported_Gang-Bang - 01-22-2009

Not best hunters, i'd say best looters. Also about "best thinkers" most of times i dont understand ur clues man. My english not that good, rly, and it has nothing to do with UO knowledge or thinking, trust me... And about RP rewards - For me its just as hard to "defining my character as if it were a real person" as for someone win a tourney. Why should i play like my character is real person? For me its just a character. And maybe i have no imaginenation/crap english spelling to actually write a story? Or maybe i dont want it just like people dont want to even try this pvp out? But still, u giving to those people OTHER WAY to actually get pvp rewards. Gimme please other way to get a shroud robe besides RP, and it will be fine with me.
Cause those RP rewards are promoting RPing. And i u know u as RP coordinator 100% will not allow to get RP rewards by any other way besides RP. So its just a stupid discussion. I'll better wait for someone from XUO to answer in this topic

PvP suggestions - imported_Shade - 01-23-2009

As far as I know, there is only INX staff here. Lets stop trying to separate the shard.

That being said, I think this is my whole point behind making things fair. Separating the playerbase in such a way hasn't done us much good in the past and I am trying to say that maybe if it was changed that things might become better for the shard as a whole instead of just a side.

Anyways maybe I am misunderstanding you so let me clear this up... you want pvp rewards for pvp events to be exclusive but you want non-pvp events to be the same for everyone. Did I get that right? I am truly getting the impression that you think because you don't like RPing and won't then you should be able to get something unique because you can pvp better then most, however people who attempt to pvp and fail should be left in the dust.

Like I said, I may just have to make a separate reward system if it is truly that big of a deal. I find it quite sad that this kind of attitude still exists. We shouldn't be trying to draw lines in any way. All I want to do is make sure everyone has the same opportunities as the next player, whether they choose to take advantage of those opportunities is up to them. Just keep in mind that an event is merely an event until someone labels it.

PvP suggestions - imported_Gang-Bang - 01-23-2009

Quote:Anyways maybe I am misunderstanding you so let me clear this up... you want pvp rewards for pvp events to be exclusive but you want non-pvp events to be the same for everyone. Did I get that right? I am truly getting the impression that you think because you don't like RPing and won't then you should be able to get something unique because you can pvp better then most, however people who attempt to pvp and fail should be left in the dust.
yeah, u know in tournies everywhere (included IRL) u can get best and unique prize only by winning it?
Thats what PvP is. Its not just participation. You participate tourneys for fun, however to get best reward u must win it.
Nah - I dont want rewards for non-pvp events to be same for everyone. Make it unique if u want. Idc about those rewards to be honest

PvP suggestions - imported_Shade - 01-23-2009

I just see tickets and events kind of like arcade games where you can win tickets. Anyone can eventually win the prize but the better players get the good prizes first. Thats kind of how I prefer it to be. I am not a big fan of tickets in general but at the same time I think its only right that people have a chance of getting rewards even if they suck. The thing that should matter is that they tried.

PvP suggestions - imported_Tiesto - 01-23-2009

quoting Jiraiya:
Quote:6. There MUST BE a weekly scheduled tour. THATS EVERY WEEK, yes I know its rough working around timetables, but its not that hard to clear two hours one day a week if your into it. One tour a month must be worth a r/r and it must be announced 3 days prior to the tourny. If we want pvpers back this is an absolute must.

I used to do this back then, but since noone used to show up we never used to get more than 5 ppl :/, i can try them again though

quoting shade:

Quote:As for more rewards with tickets, I am all for that. R/R items are fine with me, as long as they aren't newbied.

only r/r item which is not newbied is R/R Weapon, all the others are....

regarding the pvp reward system, We want people who don't pvp and the people who pvp but are not that good to be able to obtain great rewards like everyone else. I don't see a problem on having r/r cloths and other things (excepting R/R Wep) on the reward stone neither. I also don't agree that tickets should be exclusively of pvp events they were added as a reward for most of the event's and not for pvp ones only.

Il post more tomorow im too tired to continue :p

PvP suggestions - imported_Tiesto - 01-23-2009

Shade Wrote:I just see tickets and events kind of like arcade games where you can win tickets. Anyone can eventually win the prize but the better players get the good prizes first. Thats kind of how I prefer it to be. I am not a big fan of tickets in general but at the same time I think its only right that people have a chance of getting rewards even if they suck. The thing that should matter is that they tried.

People don't need to be Good pvpers to win tickets, i would say it depends actually on the kind of event involved. for example on 1vs'1 is diferent ; there only the best ones win rewards , in replacement's everyone has a chance of winning, doesnt matter if your new or suck at it, it all depends if your team is good, kinda the same goes for CTF, it depends if your team knows how to set strategys, is agile getting the flag and knows how to defend/ be offensive, Deathmatchs depends on how fast you can kill your opponnent, and the less you die, so you don't have to be the THE BEST really, FFA's are matter of how fast you can be protecting yourself from everyone and being offensive at the same time since your goal is to be the last man standing.

I think i've said all the pvp events? can't remenber if i missed one

PvP suggestions - imported_Jiraiya - 01-23-2009

Hrm, great points made all around and they've definitely made me reconsider on a few of the things I said. I guess the thing that concerns me the most is that at a weekly event on xuo you had at least 30 people showing up, with a pop of 50, yet here you had so few with a much larger population.

This to me seems like a problem either with the way the tourny system is structured and also with rewards which caused people to just not want to bother, or with the pvp system itself being confusing and unapproachable to new players.

I want to point something out, it is absolutely no fun attending a 1v1 when you know who the winner is before it begins. If you have a 1v1 with Gang and Pedro there, with 10 other IN and INX new players. You know exactly who the final will be between. This of course is evidence that this is a SKILL based pvp system where player skill and experiance means everything. Those excellent pvpers have worked hard to become that good and deserve GOOD rewards. But they should only get them by beating people of their skill level.

But what new player to the pvp wants to go and get picked apart by people who've had 3 years practice on this system? Its like putting a sheep in a lions pen and saying good luck! Its no challenge at all for the experianced player, and the new player learns almost nothing from the quick death.

I'm not very good at pvp compared to some, but most people on the shard right now I could beat very easily in a duel. Put me up against an xuo vet and I get destroyed. The gap in skill is just too massive between new players and vets.

So lets start there, what can be done about this? The only ideas I can come up with are a special 1v1 tour for experianced players that is always worth an r/r item if more then 10 show up. Or you could even do something like a r/r weap that changes after the tourny each week. So you only keep this bardy or whatever for the week you won that tourny, if you win it again the next week you keep it for another week, etc. It should be very obvious to GM's who is elligible for this tour right away, and who needs to earn a spot in the non elite tournies.

So with those godly players removed, you can then see new people actually get some fair fights against other equally skilled people, and not just raped so badly they dont want to ever participate again. Give these new people a 1v1 tourny they stand a chance in.

This is just an idea, I'm sure people will tell me all the reasons this wont work, so I welcome that, but if you are going to do that be sure and have a suggestion of your own. And yes I ofcourse realise that the experianced players would not be happy with this as they enjoy molesting these newbies, but they also need to take a step back and look at how far the population has dwindled and how few new people are actively pursuing pvp. If something isnt done this style really will just die out, which is a shame because of how balanced and skill based a system it is.

On ***** we had players who were top 5, and would usually win, but there were still some elements of luck back then, and people didnt fully understand how everything worked. We didnt have hardly any people using injection and even most pvpers werent all that great at using uoassist. So there was a large pool of diversely skilled players, and entering a tourny meant you were going to fight quite a few different levels of players. We dont have that here because there is not enough people getting involved in the pvp and learning it.

I'm staying away from commenting on what I think would make the pvp system itself more approachable and less confusing to new players without touching the balance. I wanted this thread to be just about rewards/tournies. I will post a thread on that as well when I have time to organize my thoughts on it a bit better.

PvP suggestions - imported_Tiesto - 01-23-2009

Right now shard has like no pvpers playing, compared to the way it was before, Hate used to host an event he called Begginers Pvper's league something like that, which was like a 1vs1 for rookie players only where he invited Veterans players to teach rookie ones how to pvp. But i think, even if it sounds kinda mean ; there will always be people better than you.... but even since this is a skill based game style not like WoW or anything like that i would say nothing is imposible really...

I mean for example i myself have killed people on event's that i never though i would beat, and it's not because im good at pvp, sometimes it was cause they did a mistake, lagged out, crashed and other situations.

PvP suggestions - imported_Jiraiya - 01-23-2009

Tiesto Wrote:Right now shard has like no pvpers playing, compared to the way it was before, Hate used to host an event he called Begginers Pvper's league something like that, which was like a 1vs1 for rookie players only where he invited Veterans players to teach rookie ones how to pvp. But i think, even if it sounds kinda mean ; there will always be people better than you.... but even since this is a skill based game style not like WoW or anything like that i would say nothing is imposible really...

That no pvpers are playing is exactly my point. Why is it they are all gone? Thats what I'm trying to discuss here. If the pvp system here is so effing ubah, how come no ones playing it? You could have the best pvp the world has ever seen, but if new people arent actively learning it, injecting fresh blood into the pool of players, its a dying system.

So why is it you guys think the pvpers have left?

edit: Also my idea must not have been that far off if Hate was trying something very similar. Ive read a lot of his posts and he seems to be a very smart guy.

PvP suggestions - imported_Shade - 01-23-2009

Jiraiya Wrote:Or you could even do something like a r/r weap that changes after the tourny each week. So you only keep this bardy or whatever for the week you won that tourny, if you win it again the next week you keep it for another week, etc. It should be very obvious to GM's who is elligible for this tour right away, and who needs to earn a spot in the non elite tournies.

I really like this idea. Its like a title the best of the best can carry around and show off. The only thing is it couldn't be newbied/blessed of course, unless it was just for show and a basic junk weapon. It wouldn't be hard to add a tag to it that we could change weekly either, basically only allowing the winner to use it. This way they could still lose it if they branded it foolishly but the person who took it would not be able to use it as they did not prove themselves worthy at the time. Well just my thoughts on it at least.

I like these ideas though, for the most part, but I am not a fan of exclusive events. Of course I am willing to try something new if it might bring back some of the other pvpers who took off for a bit. As long as there is an easy way for a player to prove themselves worthy of entry then I am fine with this. Whether its a recommendation from a veteran pvper or a challenge against one of the typical pvpers, something along those lines would be cool.

PvP suggestions - imported_Jiraiya - 01-23-2009

Hell, make it a shroud and then the pvp players cannot say they have no way of getting one :/

PvP suggestions - imported_Shade - 01-23-2009

They have a way of getting one already. Not my problem if they choose not to partake in all elements of gameplay :p