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Boredom - imported_Smurtle - 12-10-2007

I'm not turning it into a flame. I simply stated the obvious. A complaint but no suggestions to improve. Then I asked what you thought was actually fun. Christ.

UO doesn't have many players with a properly working frontal lobe, so be patient. A lot of people just want to macro and get things out of the way. It's going to be slow for a bit while people get their skills up.

There seems to be no shortage of fighting in Ocllo or at Britain bridge.

I hunt for an average of ten-fifteen minutes and get about 6k. It's what you hunt and what you sell that matters. Where do you hunt? If you want to keep it in PMs, then do so.

I do believe horses are overpriced though. It costs more to get a horse than you start with. 500gps. That's a little shitty.

Boredom - imported_Smurtle - 12-10-2007

Silverwolf Wrote:Dont worry sombrax, I agree with you dude. These constant lag issues and crashs, ugly horses and no "fun" in making yourself look good, which was always a pleasure doing, everythings hard to have, wouldnt be bad if there was many people, but when theres shit super hard to do and theres no player activity, it isnt motivating.

I still say we should have a lot more different type of rides available for the public, have some change, tired of riding these horses aswell...

things in a sense, not all things, should be easier to keep people motivated, but its hard as hell here to get anything which makes someone frustrated yeah. There's not enough GM activity, hosting events which REQUIRE you to use your own supplies which will give a boost to the economy.

There's no events, hardly any staff members willing to do anything but answer pages which take forever to answer "sometimes", not enough developpers to satisfy the needs of the players. We need to HIRE DEVELOPPERSSSSSSSS.

No occlo quests involving the economy and having people promote gank/hunting at the same time. Players with "roleplaying" skin colors dont get looked after routinely to make sure they are roleplaying, one of them which i believe is Dima, that ni.gga dont do any roleplaying and is colored green.

its a mix of things really, 200 players only see 50-70 lmao, you log on it's the same damn thing everyday, no change, we need change or else people get bored...

I dont know what it is, but I aswell am getting bored... personally I see no reason aswell in playing, i'm not saying im going to quit atm, but things are pilling up and leading me to that...

Bottom line is:


I know its not easy since since its free, but theres TONS of people who are always active and would love to help players and be on to make the shard successfull...

make forms for them to send, applications for being staff, and read them and start hiring...

It's a list of things, but i understand Sombrax and i'm on the same page.

Seems as if the staff just giving up slowly, less and less people, lag issues continuing, crashes always happening, you see a lot of little things add up at the end, its eliminating the little things which keep us alive.

You know very well that a shit load of people are macroing craft skills. That's gonna take forever and I see a large percentage of people never leaving Britain or Minoc.

I propose two things:

Minoc mines isn't guarded.

Secondly, Low-level staff. More of them. They don't need a real commitment, maybe just a page quota. 10 pages a day, minimum. It's not that hard to achieve and when staff go for the quota, the pages will just dissipate quicker.

An application form or sorts seems like a nice idea. At least you can screen and find out who really can dedicate time and so on.

Sections such as "Why do you want to be staff?" "What amount of time per day/week can you provide to staffing?"

And so on.

Boredom - imported_ChAiLDmAN - 12-10-2007

it's true that these two days we've been having a lot of tourneys, specially odium hosting them, but this is the only way to amuse yourself in this game, XUO's pvp was a lot better... even having 40 clients you could gank 10 against 10 in occlo, sometimes you won, sometimes you lost, and that was exciting... i do not see any excitement in mining, fishing or hunting all day to get money and buy fs armors or anything that you won't use, that's why i'm going to stop playing in this shard, because the pvp is very bad and it's imposible to take any resource and even if you take them they aren't useful

Boredom - imported_ScareCrow - 12-11-2007

Silverwolf Wrote:Dont worry sombrax, I agree with you dude. These constant lag issues and crashs, ugly horses and no "fun" in making yourself look good, which was always a pleasure doing, everythings hard to have, wouldnt be bad if there was many people, but when theres shit super hard to do and theres no player activity, it isnt motivating.

I still say we should have a lot more different type of rides available for the public, have some change, tired of riding these horses aswell...

things in a sense, not all things, should be easier to keep people motivated, but its hard as hell here to get anything which makes someone frustrated yeah. There's not enough GM activity, hosting events which REQUIRE you to use your own supplies which will give a boost to the economy.

There's no events, hardly any staff members willing to do anything but answer pages which take forever to answer "sometimes", not enough developpers to satisfy the needs of the players. We need to HIRE DEVELOPPERSSSSSSSS.

No occlo quests involving the economy and having people promote gank/hunting at the same time. Players with "roleplaying" skin colors dont get looked after routinely to make sure they are roleplaying, one of them which i believe is Dima, that ni.gga dont do any roleplaying and is colored green.

its a mix of things really, 200 players only see 50-70 lmao, you log on it's the same damn thing everyday, no change, we need change or else people get bored...

I dont know what it is, but I aswell am getting bored... personally I see no reason aswell in playing, i'm not saying im going to quit atm, but things are pilling up and leading me to that...

Bottom line is:


I know its not easy since since its free, but theres TONS of people who are always active and would love to help players and be on to make the shard successfull...

make forms for them to send, applications for being staff, and read them and start hiring...

It's a list of things, but i understand Sombrax and i'm on the same page.

Seems as if the staff just giving up slowly, less and less people, lag issues continuing, crashes always happening, you see a lot of little things add up at the end, its eliminating the little things which keep us alive.

ye, i completly agree with you two.

Boredom - imported_Duke - 12-11-2007

I agree, unless there is a tourney on I dont play, because nothing else is worth doing.

Boredom - Spaaron - 12-11-2007

yea i agree as well i mean i run around and look on the uo map and i can't find a ****ing stang, orn, zos, oclock anywhere....i run in the middle of no where i only know 3 spawns which are the same colour and they are hardly there.....all i do mainly is jus kill the crypt keeper in yew crypts since no one goes there i don't get pked Confusedurprised: and in town everyone is still gaining skill so not much order around or chaos to kill....

Boredom - imported_Aghast - 12-11-2007

Go then.. Come back in 6 months and try the shard again?

If you find that theres nothing to do.. Then don't cry out for the staff to come "babysit" you. Make something yourself?

Hold a player run event .. Do something.

Boredom - imported_Sidelichus - 12-11-2007

I must agree with praecor loth, i have myself been thinking of quitting at least 5 times now and i play like 3 weeks inx.
Why? Like he said, skillgain is so slow you lose interest in em, but also the whole thing is designed like everyone is forced to macro.
I would think that ultima online would be about gameplay, and i know its near impossible to build a shard in wich ettins are something you hunt with a group and the oldest player would be the only guy gm of something on the shard, without that gameplay all that remains is hoarding and pvp.
So people want to max out to compete, so people macro since skillgain is slow. But skillgain is so slow that even the less usefull skills take a week to gm, so what you get is a shard full of people of wich 80% is afk macroing.
Every new player cannot play untill he/she can compete, thus has to start from scratch taking at least a month or 2 to get some decent skills.
Ive always been convinced that the only cure for boredom is something called moderation, the more moderate things are on a shard the better.
in that pre (im used to aos) succeeds but leaves a gap that could be evolved to become a force.
Pre is moderate, and is the easiest of the two to create gameplay on since you have alot less to worry about balancewise.
Making macroing easier equals more gameplay but has as negative side that certain things will have to become worth less.
The gameplay? think of more armors on the shard enhancing both pvp itself and the loot, think of more people 'able' to pvp or pvm.

This shard needs to make up its mind, it is no original ultima shard in wich everything is a adventure and your stat will go up once a week. If it is a pvp shard then making skillgain so slow is the most dumb approach possible. Especially in its beta state, since what a shards first glance shows will descide its potential to players, and trust me on this one, there arent that much people playing ultima online still.

Boredom - imported_Cotton - 12-11-2007

[Image: crying_baby.jpg]

Boredom - BiReal - 12-11-2007


Boredom - imported_Jimmar - 12-11-2007

Sidelichus Wrote:I must agree with praecor loth, i have myself been thinking of quitting at least 5 times now and i play like 3 weeks inx.
Why? Like he said, skillgain is so slow you lose interest in em, but also the whole thing is designed like everyone is forced to macro.
I would think that ultima online would be about gameplay, and i know its near impossible to build a shard in wich ettins are something you hunt with a group and the oldest player would be the only guy gm of something on the shard, without that gameplay all that remains is hoarding and pvp.
So people want to max out to compete, so people macro since skillgain is slow. But skillgain is so slow that even the less usefull skills take a week to gm, so what you get is a shard full of people of wich 80% is afk macroing.
Every new player cannot play untill he/she can compete, thus has to start from scratch taking at least a month or 2 to get some decent skills.
Ive always been convinced that the only cure for boredom is something called moderation, the more moderate things are on a shard the better.
in that pre (im used to aos) succeeds but leaves a gap that could be evolved to become a force.
Pre is moderate, and is the easiest of the two to create gameplay on since you have alot less to worry about balancewise.
Making macroing easier equals more gameplay but has as negative side that certain things will have to become worth less.
The gameplay? think of more armors on the shard enhancing both pvp itself and the loot, think of more people 'able' to pvp or pvm.

This shard needs to make up its mind, it is no original ultima shard in wich everything is a adventure and your stat will go up once a week. If it is a pvp shard then making skillgain so slow is the most dumb approach possible. Especially in its beta state, since what a shards first glance shows will descide its potential to players, and trust me on this one, there arent that much people playing ultima online still.

Agreed to a degree...

Faster skill gain would be nice so I dont have to go afk on one comp 24/7 and check up on it every now and then.. id like to start "playing" considering how many of players have 1 comp.. then only get on UO overnight and macro while sleeping. Tongue

Boredom - imported_Sidelichus - 12-11-2007

Cotton Wrote:[Image: crying_baby.jpg]

[Image: Stopsmiling.jpg]