Skill gains -
imported_Nemo - 10-28-2007
i really hope that the current skill gain is not the one they were refering to that would be implemented after the patch.
is it?
i went through a thousand ingots and gained 0.5 % LOL wow. Btw the forge inside the northernmost minoc cave dosent work. lol (i had to carry 1350 ores from northern minoc to the bank. LOL
Skill gains -
imported_Lindenwood - 10-28-2007
Yeah. I noticed all the skillgain is slow (about 200 swings to get .2% fencing in the high 60s range). I have a few things to post in the bug report section.
Skill gains -
imported_Silverwolf - 10-28-2007
yesss please change the skill gain rate it's wayy to hard to level things we'll have full gmed character in 2009.
Skill gains - smoke - 10-28-2007
Silverwolf Wrote:yesss please change the skill gain rate it's wayy to hard to level things we'll have full gmed character in 2009.
took me seven hours to go to 80-87.7 anantomy wuuutttfffuxxzor? i almsot bursted into tears on the spot!
Skill gains -
imported_mpfplush - 10-28-2007
I agree. there's a difference between challenging and plain boring. :o
edit - You were lucky, smoke. I've macroed anatomy from 80.0 since launch and I'm at only at 86.
Skill gains -
imported_Mephisto - 10-28-2007
Guys... 80 - 86 ? + 6.0 In one day? ... Only 200 swings for .2 , bout 100 per .1 ... This sounds about right to me. Your not going to GM a skill in a week... Well.. maby a Combat skill, and only if thats all you do straight for the week. It'll probably take a dedicated person 2 or 3 months to GM Magery from 40/50. This isn't a sissy shard.
Skill gains -
imported_Taran - 10-28-2007
We will leave the skillgain as it is for a couple of days. It should be much faster than Mephisto said though, hehe.
Combat skills should take about 1ý day to GM if you train 24/7, which is very easy imo.
Skill gains -
imported_Nostalgia - 10-28-2007
1 1/2 day?.. I dont wanna be rude Taran , this shard is AWESOME, but.... we want to pvp.. not macro, most of us waited forever to "play" INX,
Skill gains -
imported_Osiris - 10-28-2007
1 1/2 days for combat is madness... i understand that crafting skills should be slow.. but combat skills? why?
Skill gains -
imported_zylex - 10-28-2007
Nostalgia Wrote:1 1/2 day?.. I dont wanna be rude Taran , this shard is AWESOME, but.... we want to pvp.. not macro, most of us waited forever to "play" INX,
you should be able to gm all combats in 1 day (24h) imo exept tactics wich should be alittle bit harder
Skill gains -
imported_Taran - 10-28-2007
Do you honestly think that 1ý day for a combat skill is too slow? I mean, if you start sparring today you will be done tomorrow.
Skill gains -
imported_Nostalgia - 10-28-2007
Taran Wrote:Do you honestly think that 1ý day for a combat skill is too slow? I mean, if you start sparring today you will be done tomorrow.
True but to macro combat skills you need bandaids, to get bandaids you need money, its kinda hard to get money with 40 swords
and when mongbats give 5 gp each............