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Killa Kill B

Does anyone know a good alchemy macro that will raise it as fast as possible?
Shouldn't be too hard to make.

1) Set an organizer agent to place bottles in your trash thing
2) Set a restock for SS/Bottles
3) Record yourself making a NS potion
4) Add ifs that resemble this;

if spidersilk count <= 1
say: bank
exec: restock agent-#
end if
if empty bottle%s count <= 1
say: bank
exec: restock agent-#
end if
if sysmsg you put the potion in your pack
exec: organizer agent-#
pause 1,0sec
end if

And the usual ifs to prevent getting killed too quickly by afk killers. (guard/heal/hp pot/refl scroll/bandage) Slows your macro down though.

Something like that anyway. Note; I haven't used alchemy on this shard yet so you might want to check the journal message you get when successfully making a potion.

With a macro like this you can AFK GM it, if you have enough resources.