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Fable Wrote:u 2 lack knowledge for art. :eek:
odium, u ownz Wink they'r jealous cause ur better

hehe im not here to harras but. they are 2 finnish friends who like to make people pissed, and ive seen lederoils signature *cough* Big Grin

and tbh fable i do really not think they are that good eather. i feelt liek throwing away some rough ideas =) so tbh no hard feelings taken ^^

best regards:
[Image: sigpic3.JPG] ^^
i got an idea! that snowpic u got of u and ginz holding hands, add it to the banner! Big Grin
Lederoil Wrote:Odium, why do you waste time making banners, when they allways turn up to be the uggliest mankind ever seen? Cry

Dude, please try not to provoce flamewars, we may not have very strict rules here but "bullying other members at the forum" will never be allowed here, that's pretty much common sense. :/

well i spent about 40mins on this ****er ;/.. i cant get my picture to look that sharp tough really disturbs me.

if any1 want to continue to work on this im glad to send ya my .psd file =)

[Image: KEKEKELALA.jpg]

no more banners for me now =) since i doubt i can make anything better than what i last did, without seraching on photoshop forums for new ideas =P
Odium Wrote:well i spent about 40mins on this ****er ;/.. i cant get my picture to look that sharp tough really disturbs me.

if any1 want to continue to work on this im glad to send ya my .psd file =)

[Image: KEKEKELALA.jpg]

no more banners for me now =) since i doubt i can make anything better than what i last did, without seraching on photoshop forums for new ideas =P

You're getting better and better all the time. :] You can send me that file tomorrow and I'll play around a lil too. Being as good as the creator of XUO2s page is not easy, but at least you try and I think you're doing pretty good.

Ok time to sleep, just wanted to reply to this post first.

Cya tomorrow everybody, gnite! :] ZzZzz..

looking better odium Smile almost got the xuo2 effect. here are my comments;

1) like hate said before; better without the mirror image
2) if you noticed, the letters on the xuo2 image aren't perfect, it's like sand has been blowing on stone for hundreds of years and cut away at it.
3) the light coming of the letters arcs towards the middle, it doesn't go straight up.
hehe its fun to compare it with the xuo2 picture but on the other hand you dont want a mirror image Tongue like it has =). ye forgot the sand effect damners

now pande i follow your advice and go to sleep meet ya in sweden with scare? Smile
I know it's been 2 weeks but I haven't seen that many contributions.
Odium, post that last banner we were working on.
Taran Wrote:I know it's been 2 weeks but I haven't seen that many contributions.
Odium, post that last banner we were working on.

I've spoken to the creator of the XUO2 banner and he is now working on an remake of that one for IN-X. I dunno how long it'll take but at least it's in progress.

Good to hear Hate Smile
Im confused is there still a compition or are we using the one from the guy that made the XUO banner? :|

Do we still need them for the voting sites?
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