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Non-Supplied PVP Tourney This Weekend

This weekend we will host the first non-supplied pvp tourney, so get prepared. Prizes are as followed:

4-7 people, 20k plus Trophy
8-10 people, 40k plus Trophy
11-15 people, 60k plus Trophy
16-19 people, 80k or Weapon of choice plus Trophy
20-24 people, 100k or Armor set of choice plus Trophy
25+ people, Weapon and Armor set of choice plus Trophy

Looking forward to this event and hopefully we have a great turn out so we can give out a great prize. Time has not been decided yet and I would love to hear some feed back when you guys think a good time would be.(please use Server time when saying a time)

Those are some awesome prizes. I hope its a big turnout.

i need aromor Sad


Gatin Wrote:i need aromor Sad
Check my vendor.....

is Paulie coming with the HH?

Dont know yet might bring the Thunder(SDK) or the lighting(HH)........

this intrigues me Smile

Since no one else started Big Grin
I will be doing my best to make it. I suggest Saturday 7 or 8 Pm eastern standard time. Which ever time the most people seem to play.
Whats the command to find out the server time ?

Server time is EST.

Do the losers lose their gear to whoever beat them?

well it depends what the people want we can make it full loot or no loot. All up to whoever shows up.

Is the time going to be announced ? or we just gonna play it by ear when the most players are running about ?

I say make it later on this evening like around 7-8 central =]

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